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Herman J. Radtke III

Working with C unions in Rust FFI

When building a foreign function interface to C code, we will inevitably run into a struct that has a union. Rust has no built-in support for unions, so we must come up with a strategy on our own. A union is a type in C that stores different data types in the same memory location. There are a number of reasons why someone may want to choose a union, including: converting between binary representations of integers and floats, implementing pseudo-polymorphism and direct access to bits. I am going to focus on the pseudo-polymorphism case.

Edit: Added a warning at the bottom based on feedback from Joe Groff.

Note: This post assumes the reader is familiar with Rust FFI, endianess and ioctl.

As an example, let us get the MAC address based on an interface name. We can summarize the steps to get the MAC address as follows:

  • Specify a request type to be used with ioctl. If I want to get the MAC (or hardware) address, I specify SIOCGIFHWADDR.
  • Write the interface name to ifr_name. An interface name is something like eth0.
  • Make the request using ioctl. A successful request will write some data to ifr_ifru.

For more details on how to get a MAC address, read this howto.

We need to use the C ioctl function and also pass the ifreq struct to the function. Looking in /usr/include/net/if.h, we can see that ifreq is defined as follows:

struct  ifreq {
        char    ifr_name[IFNAMSIZ];
        union {
                struct  sockaddr ifru_addr;
                struct  sockaddr ifru_dstaddr;
                struct  sockaddr ifru_broadaddr;
                short   ifru_flags;
                int     ifru_metric;
                int     ifru_mtu;
                int     ifru_phys;
                int     ifru_media;
                int     ifru_intval;
                caddr_t ifru_data;
                struct  ifdevmtu ifru_devmtu;
                struct  ifkpi   ifru_kpi;
                u_int32_t ifru_wake_flags;
                u_int32_t ifru_route_refcnt;
                int     ifru_cap[2];
        } ifr_ifru;

The ifr_ifru union is where things start to get tricky. Glancing at the possible types in ifr_ifru, we notice that they are not all the same size. A short is 2 bytes and u_int32_t is 4 bytes. To complicate matters, we have a number of different struct definitions of unknown size. It is important that we figure out exactly what the size of the ifreq struct so we can write the proper Rust code. I wrote a small C program and figured out that ifreq uses 16 bytes for ifr_name and 24 bytes for ifr_ifru.

Armed with the knowledge of how large teh struct is, we can start representing this in Rust. One strategy is to make a specialized struct for each type in the union.

pub struct IfReqShort {
    ifr_name: [c_char; 16],
    ifru_flags: c_short,

We can use IfReqShort when making a request of type SIOCGIFINDEX. This struct is smaller than the ifreq struct in C though. Even though we are expecting only 2 bytes to be written, the external ioctl interface expects there to be a total of 24 bytes. To be safe, let us add 22 bytes of padding at the end:

pub struct IfReqShort {
    ifr_name: [c_char; 16],
    ifru_flags: c_short,
    _padding: [u8; 22],

We would then repeat this process for each type in the union. I find this a bit tedious to do as we need to make a lot of structs and be very careful to make them the correct size. Another way to represent the union is to have a buffer of raw bytes. We can make a single C representation of ifreq in Rust like this:

pub struct IfReq {
    ifr_name: [c_char; 16],
    union: [u8; 24],

This union buffer can store the raw bytes for any type. We can now define methods to convert the raw bytes into the type we want. We will avoid unsafe code by not using transmute. Let us create a method to get the MAC address by converting the raw bytes in a sockaddr C type.

impl IfReq {
    pub fn ifr_hwaddr(&self) -> sockaddr {
        let mut s = sockaddr {
            sa_family: u16::from_be(([0] as u16) << 8 | ([1] as u16)),
            sa_data: [0; 14],

        // basically a memcpy
        for (i, b) in[2..16].iter().enumerate() {
            s.sa_data[i] = *b as i8;


With this strategy, we have one struct and a method to convert the raw bytes into the concrete type that we want. Looking back at our ifr_ifru union, we will notice that there are at least two others requests that will also require me to create a sockaddr from raw bytes. To DRY this up, we could implement a private method on IfReq to convert raw bytes to sockaddr. However, we can do better by abstracting away the details of creating a sockaddr, short, int, etc from IfReq. We really just want to tell the union to give me back a specified type. So, let us make a IfReqUnion type to do that:

struct IfReqUnion {
    data: [u8; 24],

impl IfReqUnion {
    fn as_sockaddr(&self) -> sockaddr {
        let mut s = sockaddr {
            sa_family: u16::from_be(([0] as u16) << 8 | ([1] as u16)),
            sa_data: [0; 14],

        // basically a memcpy
        for (i, b) in[2..16].iter().enumerate() {
            s.sa_data[i] = *b as i8;


    fn as_int(&self) -> c_int {
        c_int::from_be(([0] as c_int) << 24 |
                       ([1] as c_int) << 16 |
                       ([2] as c_int) <<  8 |
                       ([3] as c_int))

    fn as_short(&self) -> c_short {
        c_short::from_be(([0] as c_short) << 8 |
                         ([1] as c_short))

We implement methods for each of the various types that make up the union. Now that our type conversions are handled by IfReqUnion, we can now implement the methods on IfReq like this:

pub struct IfReq {
    ifr_name: [c_char; IFNAMESIZE],
    union: IfReqUnion,

impl IfReq {
    pub fn ifr_hwaddr(&self) -> sockaddr {

    pub fn ifr_dstaddr(&self) -> sockaddr {

    pub fn ifr_broadaddr(&self) -> sockaddr {

    pub fn ifr_ifindex(&self) -> c_int {

    pub fn ifr_media(&self) -> c_int {

    pub fn ifr_flags(&self) -> c_short {

We ended up with two structs. We have IfReq that represents the memory layout of the C struct ifreq. We will implement a method on IfReq for each type of ioctl request. We also have the IfRequnion struct that handles the various types the ifr_ifru union might be. We will create a method to for each type we need to handle. This is less work than creating a specialized struct for each type in the union and provides a better interface than doing the type conversion in IfReq.

Here is a more complete working example. This is still a bit of a work in progress, but the tests pass and the code incorporates the above concepts discussed.


The above approach is not without problems. In the case of ifreq, we were fortunate that ifr_name was 16 bytes and was aligned on a word boundary. If ifr_name was not aligned to a 4 byte word boundary, then we will run into a problem. Our union type is [u8; 24] which has an alignment of a single byte. This is not the same alignment as a type of size 24 bytes. Here is a short example to illustrate this point. If we have a C struct with the following union:

struct foo {
    short x;
    union {
    } y;

The above foo struct has a size of 8 bytes. Two bytes for x, two more bytes for padding and four bytes for y. If we tried to write this in Rust:

pub struct Foo {
    x: u16,
    y: [u8; 4],

The above Foo struct is only 6 bytes. Two bytes for x and then we can fit the first two u8 elements of y in the same 4 byte word as x. This subtle difference may cause problems when being passed to a C function that is expecting a struct of 8 bytes.

Until Rust natively supports unions, this sort of FFI is difficult to get right. Good luck, but be careful!