Using SPL Exceptions
Brandon Savage has a great series of posts on using exceptions in PHP. Unfortunately, he does not introduce the SPL exceptions into the discussion.
The Standard PHP Library (SPL) has quite a few exception classes that are useful right out of the box. Additionally, these exceptions can be extended just like the Exception and ErrorException classes.
My favorite is the InvalidArgumentException. I use this exception if some parameter to a function or method is not what I expected.
If you are using the __call() magic method, the BadMethodCallException is another great built-in exception to use.
class Foo
public function __call($name, $params)
if (!method_exists($this, $name)) {
throw new BadMethodCallException(
"Method $name does not exist");
The SPL exception classes are a great alternative to writing your own exceptions classes. For some more examples you can check out PHPUnit. Sebastian Bergmann uses a lot of SPL exceptions in his code there.