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Herman J. Radtke III

Manage Dotfiles with Jujutsu

My dotfiles setup is very simple: I version control my $HOME directory using git. I ignore everything by default to avoid accidentally adding files I do not want to track. This avoids the need for any scripts or frameworks. Lately, I have been using Jujutsu for more personal projects and decided to use jj to manage my dotfiles.

Why Your Rails-like Framework Is Not Widely Used

Ruby on Rails defined the ethos of the web development community for many years. I have observed people trying to replicate "Rails" in other languages with very mixed results. I consider Laravel, ASP.NET and Phoenix successful rails-like frameworks. Python already has Django. Sadly Java, Kotlin, Scala, Node.js, Go and Rust all lack a widely adopted rails-like experience.

Proving getenv Does Not Make a Syscall

I saw this statement in an accepted answer on Stack Overflow:

Retrieving the value of an environment variable will incur a system call.


This answer surprised me as I did not think this was the case. There is an edit farther down that has links to other Stack Overflow posts saying get getenv does not make a syscall. Let us prove it ourselves.